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Spring has Sprung!

Early season current availability...

By Chris Leinster - February 28, 2025

Spring has sprung and trees are starting to trickle into our local vendors! Large caliper trees are difficult to source but for a limited time I have 3-1/2” caliper Flashfire Maple for $2,350 delivered and installed. These are in the ‘Caddo’ series of Maple, a hybridized version of a native stand of Maple found growing in a hot, dry, alkaline soil canyon in Kansas. They are proving to be the most appropriate trees for our harsh Colorado climate and consistently display the best Fall color and exceptional hardiness. 2-1/2” caliper also arrived for $1,575. I don’t feature these on my website only because they are a newer introduction and I haven’t found a mature example to photograph, but they are similar to the ‘Fall Fiesta’ Maple, also suitable for our climate.

Spruce trees are in and I have a healthy selection from 6-10’. Spruce are seed propagated and therefore they display a variety of characteristics, from very blue to deep green and many shades in between. They can also be full and bushy or layered with a more open habit. Please specify a preference when ordering.

Spring Snow Crabapple are among our most popular ornamental flowering trees. They feature an explosion of profuse white flowers in early Spring. When the petals drop, they carpet the grass in a blanket of white, hence the name. They are a truly fruitless variety of Crabapple, and make a welcome addition to any landscape. 2” caliper $1,160 delivered and installed. Also consider the multiple stemmed form. These have a wonderful branching structure that adds contrast and excitement to your landscape! 8’ tall only $1,375!

Prefer pink flowers? One of my favorite trees is the Royal Raindrops Crabapple. They have fuchsia flowers in Spring and a burgundy leaf all summer. The leaf shape is unique as well, more like an Amur Maple than a traditional Crabapple, making them a great conversation piece. Their upright habit makes them a perfect selection for smaller yards. They produce small fruits, about the size of a blueberry, but don’t worry, they persist on the tree and shrivel up like raisins, feeding the birds and squirrels all winter long. This is not your Grandmother’s Crabapple with obnoxious apples that you would throw at your sister! Totally appropriate over a patio or pathway.

Need a smaller evergreen tree? A fresh batch of native Pinion Pine just arrived! These are collected off private ranch land or BLM land by permit. They have variable characteristics from tall and skinny to fat and bushy, even multiple trunked! Perfect for screening your hot tub so you can soak in your birthday suit, or to screen your neighbors spa.

Want to add a truly exotic element to your Japanese Garden or a focal point for your patio? Golden Raintree beings a flash of mid-Summer color with Yellow flowers. Yes, Yellow flowers!!! The leaves evoke a tropical feel, and papery seed pods develop later in the season, often compared to Chinese lanterns. 3” caliper $2,275 delivered and installed. Get ‘em while they’re hot!

This is just a small offering of what is currently available, and trees have only just begun to arrive. The flood gates will open up in the coming weeks when trees begin showing up in caravans of semi-tractor trailers. Now is the perfect time to plant, so long as the weather cooperates. Trees are still in their winter dormancy and will “wake up” in your yard without any transplant shock or summer stress. Pictures are available on my Google business page…