"Deciduous trees are sold by caliper size or the diameter of the trunk. Height can vary depending on species. Evergreen trees are sold by height. Height and size to be verified prior to purchase."
The glorious state tree of Colorado! These majestic evergreens can be found growing throughout the Rocky Mountains and often up to treeline! They are one of the tallest trees in Colorado, and an important food and shelter resource for woodland animals. It is important to note the color can vary widely from baby blue to forest green. Please specify a preference if this is important to you. Because they are propagated from seed, the habit can vary from bushy and full to open and layered, and many variations inbetween. I'll send plenty of pics for your approval. Many upright and dwarf cultivars available, such as 'Hoopsii', 'Backeri', and 'Baby Blue Eyes'. 'Fat Albert' tend to grow wider than tall. There is a weeping form, and many shrub forms to accent your garden. Call for availability and pricing.