Armstrong and Armstrong Gold Maple


A slender Maple for smaller yards or tight spaces, or just a formal specimen columnar tree. Perfect for screening between decks where houses are packed together. These are generally very tall for the caliper size, so you

Autumn Briliance Serviceberry


An elegantly branched small tree with showers of white flowers in spring followed by edible berries that taste similar to blueberries! Glossy green leaves burst into an array of red-orange-yellow fall color. In the wild,

Columnar Oak


One of the most slender trees available for tight spaces, vertical accents for the corner of the house, or just to make a prominent statement central to the garden. Excellent for formal gardens or tree hedge rows. Cultiv

Frans Fontaine Hornbeam


Perhaps the skinniest offering in our quiver of skinny trees!  Very formal accent for a stately appearance. This tree is marginal in Colorado however, and therefore only suitable for protected sites with good soil,

Japanese Tree Lilac


Upright, oval with Lilac white flowers and cinnamon colored bark. 

Tree Diameter




Japanese Tree Li...

Javelin Pear


Javelin Pear is a super slender version of the common Cleveland Select or Chanticleer Pear. Excellent as a stand-alone formal statement or for screening windows between houses, Javelin Pear can squeeze into the tightest

Prairie Sentinel Hackberry


Hackberry are native to the mid-west and they perform well under a variety of harsh conditions. It will thrive on the dry open prairie as well as low lying wetland sites. Prairie Sentinel is an ultra-slender cultivar tha

Red Baron Crabapple


Super slender with an upright branching habit, spread will not exceed 10' wide. Perfect for screening in narrow yards or a striking focal point or accent for the corner of the home. Profuse deep pink flowers skew towards