Flowering Trees

The following general descriptions are meant to highlight the featured attributes and are by no means an exhaustive reference. Please call and we"ll help direct you to the perfect tree for your needs. Prices subject to change, confirmed before checkout.

These are smaller trees notable for a burst of spring flowers!  15-25" tall and wide.  Available as traditional single trunked trees or multi-stem specimen trees.



Amur Flame Maple


A compact maple growing 15-25' tall and wide. One of the brightest displays of Orange-red fall color! Very hardy and adaptable to a wide range of growing conditions. Can survive exposed sites and can be found at elevatio

Autumn Briliance Serviceberry


An elegantly branched small tree with showers of white flowers in spring followed by edible berries that taste similar to blueberries! Glossy green leaves burst into an array of red-orange-yellow fall color. In the wild,

Brandywine Crabapple


The undisputed grand champion of flowering Crabapple trees! Massive double pink flowers are often compared to rose bush blossoms, which makes sense since crabapples are in the rose family of plants. Warning- traffic will

Canada Red Cherry


An upright oval ornamental tree with burgundy leaves to brighten up the landscape. Actually the leaves emerge bright green, fading to burgundy. Late spring foliage is bright green tips on burgundy branches! Profuse white

Chanticleer Pear


Ornamental Pear are among our most popular and appropriate trees for our area. They are fast growing with an upright oval habit and glossy green leaves. Profuse white flowers adorn the tree early in the season. Explosive

Cockspur Hawthorn


The trunk and branches on this beauty become wonderfully gnarled and twisted at maturity with white flowers and bright red berries. Superior hardiness for exposed sites and higher elevations. This is a thornless variety!

Coralburst Crabapple


A truely petit crabapple with a compact globular head. Bright red buds open up to pale pink double flowers. Makes a delightful accent or formal specimen. Great in large planters or as a garden centerpiece. Quite unique a

European Mountain Ash


The bi-pinnately compound leaves and open habit give the Mountain Ash a tropical feel like something you would find in Hawaii! Clusters of white flowers adorn the tree in spring, followed by brightly colored red or orang

Golden Raintree


Tropical looking showers of yellow flowers appear in early summer after most spring flowering trees have shed their petals. Attractive seed pods resemble paper lanterns. Branching can be somewhat haphazzard and young tre



Horsechestnut is the European cousin of our native Ohio Buckeye. It is indistinguishable except the flowers are deep pink to red rather than white. The palmate leaves and panicled flowers emote a tropical feel that would

Indian Magic Crabapple


Indian Magic is a typical Crabapple with a rounded crown and an abundance of pink flowers in early spring. Very hardy and disease resistant. The apples are tiny and shrivel up on the branches like raisins to feed the bir

Japanese Pagoda Tree


Bring the Orient to your yard with the elegantly branched "Scholar Tree" revered by Buddhist monks. Fast growing with a broad, rounded crown. Creamy white flowers in hanging clusters shower the tree in mid-summer for a p

Japanese Tree Lilac


Upright, oval with Lilac white flowers and cinnamon colored bark. 

Tree Diameter




Japanese Tree Li...

Javelin Pear


Javelin Pear is a super slender version of the common Cleveland Select or Chanticleer Pear. Excellent as a stand-alone formal statement or for screening windows between houses, Javelin Pear can squeeze into the tightest

Kentucky Coffeetree


Kentucky Coffeetree is a medium to large ornamental/ shade tree with delightful panicles of cream colored flowers in late Spring. It has a tropical looking structure and leaf but can have a coarse appearance in Winter, b

Newport Plum


A fast growing ornamental Plum with dainty pink flowers followed by deep burgundy leaves. May need occasional pruning to maintain shape and remove storm damaged branches.

Tree Diameter


Ohio Buckeye


Ohio Buckeye are found in woodlands throughout the eastern and mid-western United States. The palmate leaves and white panicled flowers emote a tropical feel like something you would find in the jungles of Columbia rathe

Prairiefire Crabapple


Reddish-purple leaves follow an explosion of fuchsia flowers. Tiny apples shrivel up like raisins and persist on the tree. Tough and disease resistant.

Tree Diameter


Radient Crabapple


Radient Crabapple erupts with a spectacular display of deep red flowers each spring. Perfectly symetrical with a rounded appearance, this is the Crabapple tree you remember from your Grandmother's yard. Beware the apples

Red Baron Crabapple


Super slender with an upright branching habit, spread will not exceed 10' wide. Perfect for screening in narrow yards or a striking focal point or accent for the corner of the home. Profuse deep pink flowers skew towards



Redbud are one of our earliest flowering trees with a graceful vase-shaped overarching canopy. The pastel lavender flowers decorate the branches and even pop out of the trunks of the trees! Dainty heart-shaped glossy gre

Royal Raindrops Crabapple


A newer introduction with an upright habit making it ideal for smaller yards or near patios. An explosion of striking fuchsia colored flowers covers the tree in early spring. Deeply lobed burgundy colored leaves more res

Russian Hawthorn


Ruggedly handsome and tough as a Siberian lumberjack, Russian Hawthorn ranks among the hardiest trees appropriate for our region. In fact, in my career spanning over 25 years, I cannot recall ever having to warranty a Ha

Sargent Crabapple


A small weeping form of crabapple that makes a great specimen focal point or garden accent.

Tree Height

Sargent Crabapple 2"

Sargent Crabapple 2.5"


Spring Snow Crabapple


A truely fruitless variety with profuse white flowers and yellow fall color. When the petals drop you will think is snowed, hence the name! Perfectly rounded and very clean! Super hardy and adaptable for a wide variety o

Tulip Tree


Tulip Trees are fast-growing upright-oval shade trees that have some of the most stunning flowers you may never see. I say that because the Tulip-shaped cups stand upright on the branches and are often hidden by the dens

Washington Hawthorn


Washington Hawthorn is the tallest of the Hawthorn family and is very erect in youth becoming more broad spreading with age. Among the toughest trees for our region, I cannot remember ever having to warranty a Hawthorn i



Yellowwood are native to the eastern and mid-western United States, and the imagination of Dr. Seuss! It's pinnately compound leaves and drooping panicles of fragrant white flowers make it more at home in the Lorax than