Amur Flame MapleReturn to Flowering Trees

A compact maple growing 15-25' tall and wide. One of the brightest displays of Orange-red fall color! Very hardy and adaptable to a wide range of growing conditions. Can survive exposed sites and can be found at elevations of up to 10,000 feet! Available as a traditional single-trunked tree or more commonly as a multi-stem tree. 'Hot Wings' has bright red samaras ("helicoptor" seeds) for a splash of mid-summer interest.
Tree Diameter Price
2" $1255
2.5" $1575
3" $2165
Amur Flame Maple Clump 6' $1195
Amur Flame Maple Clump 8' $1485
Amur Flame Maple Clump 10' $1745
Price: $1,255.00