Redbud are one of our earliest flowering trees with a graceful vase-shaped overarching canopy. The pastel lavender flowers decorate the branches and even pop out of the trunks of the trees! Dainty heart-shaped glossy green leaves adorn the trees all Summer, and the handsome form of the extended branches provides interest even in Winter. Consider uplighting for double the pleasure! Redbud are native to the east coast, usually found in the forest understory growing in rich, moist soil in lowland areas. This environment is lacking in Colorado however, and Redbud struggle to establish here. They don't like our dry air, wild temperature swings, poor soil, and intense sunlight. They can grow here though, and do just fine in protected sites with good soil such as downtown Denver. I hesitate to recommend them as there is a high failure rate. For that reason we can offer only a 50% guarantee. Still, for the right location they will add a magical element for an urban garden.
Tree Height | Price |
2" | $1150 |
2.5" | $1450 |
6' clump | $1125 |
8' clump | $1375 |
10' clump | $1725 |